Georgia Institute of TechnologyFast Reactor Research Group

Fast Reactor Research Group

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Scenario Analysis for the Implementation of Fast Reactors within Expanding National Nuclear Power Systems

The introduction of fast transmutation, breeder and/or sustainable reactors within expanding national nuclear power systems requires analysis of the number and timing of reactors, fuel reprocessing and refabrication facilities, and geological high-level waste repositories that are needed for a given rate of expansion of nuclear power. The Georgia Tech Fast Reactor Research Group is collaborating with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the French CEA in a study of nuclear power expansion within the European context.


  1. V. Romanelli, C. Sommer, W. Stacey, W. Maschek, B. Petrovic, M. Salvatores, et al., "Advanced Fuel Cycle Scenario Study in the European Context by Using the SABR Hybrid Fusion-Fission System", NEA 11th InformationExchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation , San Francisco, November, 2010

  2. V. Romanelli, C. Sommer, W. Stacey, W. Maschek, B. Petrovic, M. Salvatores, et al., "Comparison of the Waste Transmutation Potential of Different Innovative Dedicated Systems and Impact on the Fuel Cycle", 16th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems , San Francisco, May, 2011